Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 6: Read some perspectives on Web 2.0 Thing 15: Web 2.0

Library 2.0 means connecting to our users in meaningful, engaging ways. OCLC Newsletter No. 2 ISSN: 1559-0011, 2006, Where will the next generation Web take libraries? described the "Web as shared network space...with web at the center driving work, research, education, entertainment and social activities." The library encompasses both a physical and thinking dynamic to becoming "user-centric." The article examines the reality that we will need to continue to find ways to bring desired services, information resources, to an evolving audience with dynamic tools.

To me Library 2.0 means engaging with students and teachers as well as the community of stakeholders to provide relevant means of enriching interaction. Rick Anderson, "Away from the icebergs," outlined three principle "icebergs." They are 1. changing idea of collection, 2. reliance on "user education;" and 3. adapting a "come to them" mentality which might be virtual or physical. (Anderson) As school libraries are expanding, adapting and sharing the potential of these new tools for our audience the limitless connections make for rich possibilities for our communities. Technology tools such as are creating opportunities for "tagging" or connecting information in new ways.

Dr. Wendy Schultz, Infinite Futures, "To a temporary place in time," asked "What are libraries?" In answering that question, I especially identified with the statement that "Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities." The library at a school is often referred to as the heart or hub of a campus or learning. Engaging our community in participating through innovation will build that relationship.

This summer School Library 2.0 tutorial has been terrific in that it's given me a kick start for the school year. I'd have desired to spend more time reading other participants blogs but usually choose three to review. In addition, staying flexible about new tools and their applications to our unique communities will be needed as professionals if we are to help guide others. I'm not sure what keeping up may look like given the real possibility that there is always something new but I realize that I need to stay current.

Realistically, an action plan to implement several new tools might assist in keeping me grounded. Because for each one I've explored I reveal additional new tools that I know nothing about. My commitment to Library 2.0 will start with a professional development for teachers about Library 2.0 or Teacher 2.0 and how these new tools might be incorporated into their curriculum, creating Pathfinders as wikis, a book discussion blog and the Library portal connecting to the school homepage.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Good thoughts. Yes, it would be reinforcing to teach fellow teachers these web 2.0 tools over the school year. It is the best way to keep your own 2.0 tools "sharp." Best wishes.

Liz Dodds said...

Your ideas about using 2.0 with teachers at the beginning of the school year sounds great!