Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 9: Video & Downloadable Audio Thing 23: Reflections

I'm grateful to the CSLA Team for your promoting this amazing opportunity and supportive comments along the journey!

  • What were your favorite discoveries or exercises? I especially enjoyed week 5 and playing with the image generators. I'm already adding new images to my brochures and promotional plans for the first two months of the new school year. In addition, the information on wikis and their possible collaborative connections was enriching. I will plan to use this format for the professional development that I'm planning to start the year with teachers.
  • How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? This program has assisted me in learning the latest technologies more completely so that I might not only increase my own skills but share my excitement and applications with my co-workers.
  • Some of these Web 2.0 tools were familiar but this opportunity enabled me to learn about each in greater depth. I plan to use the wiki format for my research pathfinders. I'm also considering the features as advantageous versus using Dreamweaver software the challenges of updates with a webmaster.
  • The use of tagging tool offers flexibility when I frequently utilize multiple computers for my work. I can now login and access my resources more efficiently. The online image generators are going to update my presentations, brochures and other promotional publications throughout the school year.
  • I already downloaded software for a podcast to advertise new materials, banned book week, and plan to have students create one for a book club. My LibraryThing account is just an initial surface exploration. Maybe a reading blog will have many selections with the features engaging readers to seek additional titles to read and share.
  • Any take-aways or unexpected outcomes that surprised you? I hadn't expected to view the possibility of using a wiki for my library web page through learning about the various features which are easily updated and have a positive possibility for collaboration, versus the software dynamics of Dreamweaver and a webmaster timeline for updates.
  • What could we do differently to improve upon the format or concept? I found sharing of other participants blogs interesting and making comments desirable. Although, I felt I needed to limit my actions due to my late start following my vacation.
  • If we offered another...would you participate? Absolutely.
  • Describe your experience in one word or one sentence. Enriching!

Week 9: Podcasts Thing 21: eBooks and Audio eBooks

I have a small collection of audio books in cassette and CD format in my library collection. I need to increase promotion of these for reluctant readers and students needing another format. I have students who like these formats to listen to on upcoming vacation travel periods. I was familiar with the Gutenberg Project and knew students who would continue their reading online during lunch time visits. In looking at some ebook sites I question who can enjoy the online read with a screen cluttered with ads and various box shapes outlining text inconsistently from page to page.

I have considered ordering some online ebook research materials that are frequently utilized in the library in print formats. The collection plan will address these curricular areas and resources needed in multiple formats to meet the needs of all learners.

LibriVox audio versions of free books provides information that is important to my stakeholders. The site makes it clear that these are part of the public domain in the US.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week 9: Podcasts Thing 20: Podcasts(no iPOD required)

I listened to a podcast by Nick Senger titled "Teen Literacy Tips" but found an interesting discussion of tips for rejuvenating teachers from suggested movies featuring motivating teacher role models to reads to start the new school year. AASL's School Libraries Count Survey dated August 10, 2007 featured Keith Curry Lance desiring input on the status of school libraries. The video clip didn't play well for me so I missed the majority of his message. Cable in the Classroom presented a panel from 22.6.2007 on "Digital Ethics" where student behavior in a world of web-based interaction was discussed with Jay Bansbach, program specialist in school library media from the Maryland State Department of Education. Other participants weren't identified on the segment that I chose to listen to from June 2007.

I downloaded Audacity and tried a short recording for opening library public relations after following the directions on the Yahoo! Podcast Tutorial. during my exploration, I found teen read week promotionals, author sharing, and public library podcast information about services.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Week 9: Podcasts, Video & Downloadable Audio Thing 20:Youtube

I have been visiting the resources of Youtube occasionally. I haven't used it in my teaching to date. The attached is a Youtube video from a group of high school students that perform a library commercial as a rap, The Library Rap. Engaging talented students in a National Library Week contest for celebrating your library might encourage positive library promotion.I spent way too...much time observing the contents especially the favorites uploaded or viewed from this site. I prefer the videos that I found on teachertube as more applicable to my needs. Although, I feel it's important to understand the popular culture that's reached through this format. I could edit clips to use as part of library orientation or booktalks which might be engaging to the high school audience.

Week 8: Online applications & tools Thing 19: Library Thing

Library Thing allowed me to begin to create an online catalog of summer reading titles. The site provides options to share your enjoyment of books with others who selected similar reads, join a forum or groups relating to your choices, or create your own group. Create an account and rate your selections, tag them and search for others that readers might enjoy. Librarians who LibraryThing numbers 2898 and Read YA Lit has 888 sharing their love of YA Lit. Non-Profit accounts are available for a nominal fee. Is this the future of online library catalogs? Too cool!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Week 8: Online Application and Tools Thing 18: Zoho writer

Using Zoho writer I created a tentative calendar template to use. I tried to import the doc unsuccessfully. I decided in using Zoho Writer to change the language setting after learning of the possible options. Unfortunately, returning to the desired option isn't working and discerning the choices for FAQs hasn't addressed my needs. I also tried another area for posting issues but with no success.

The ability to access documents from anywhere is a plus. Having the choice of working online or off is a powerful tool. Zoho meeting would be advantageous for web conferencing and online meetings. The Zoho planner enabled me to make notes and write reminders for the upcoming week. In order to work on traditional desktop applications I need more play time for these free web-based options.

Week 7: Wikis Thing 17: Sandbox wiki

I'll admit that it feels strange to edit and/or add to the posting of another. It is a magic password! The California Curriculum Connections wiki is about both community building and innovation. Validating the collective intelligence will be continuing to be defined.

Christopher Harris from the Infomancy blog defines "School Library 2.0 as being a digital re-shifting of the school library." Web 2.0 tools encourages more actively engaged than passive learners. A goal for libraries as communities willing to engage in sharing knowledge and assisting in developing applications will be to affect positive student learning and achievement.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 7: Wikis Thing 16: Discover Wikis

I initially created a wiki on a smaller scale for my library practice students to write book reviews to share with other students. Maybe the interest will increase for this school year. I am concerned about the appropriateness of posts and learning about wiki options for management. Having the ability to go back to an earlier version and controlling some areas is appealing.

The ability to provide an easy to author subject guide or pathfinder is welcoming. I think the book review wikis such as the Princeton Public Library site could be used as a pattern for promoting the school summer reading requirements for the campus.

The sample school wiki from Westwood Schools shows a collaborative school website that might be easier to update without software/hardware issues or needing the webmaster's focus for your updates. Cool Cat Teacher's Student blogs show how one educator manages her classes in computer skills.

Bookbreak at Berkley HS looks to be a currently unmaintained blog. I did read the policies of blog posting included which read as follows: "Remember though this is a school site. Use at least your first name & last initial. Anonymous or inappropriate posts will be deleted." Would site or District policies be a part of the AUP which is signed annually? How are Districts writing the guidelines or policies? I will need to research this area for possible guidance.

I definitely feel that using a wiki for the CSLA upcoming Conference will be a way to experience a specific event. A wiki might be created for an upcoming author visit to campus or a classroom speaker supporting the curriculum. St. Joseph County Public Library subject guide was easy to understand, up-to-date and I wondered how many staff members are involved in the maintanance of the wiki areas. I clicked on "pets" and found contents organized with new books, librarian's favorite, local pet links and other pet links just to name a few areas. At the bottom of the page is information about the latest update, access numbers, about area and disclaimers.

Wikis: a beginner's look is an excellent explanation of this Web 2.0 tool! Teachers might be inclined to use a wiki for a collaborative planning lesson unit either in their department or with the library media teacher. I noticed that the author also has a podcast presentation of hte information about wikis.

Week 6: Read some perspectives on Web 2.0 Thing 15: Web 2.0

Library 2.0 means connecting to our users in meaningful, engaging ways. OCLC Newsletter No. 2 ISSN: 1559-0011, 2006, Where will the next generation Web take libraries? described the "Web as shared network space...with web at the center driving work, research, education, entertainment and social activities." The library encompasses both a physical and thinking dynamic to becoming "user-centric." The article examines the reality that we will need to continue to find ways to bring desired services, information resources, to an evolving audience with dynamic tools.

To me Library 2.0 means engaging with students and teachers as well as the community of stakeholders to provide relevant means of enriching interaction. Rick Anderson, "Away from the icebergs," outlined three principle "icebergs." They are 1. changing idea of collection, 2. reliance on "user education;" and 3. adapting a "come to them" mentality which might be virtual or physical. (Anderson) As school libraries are expanding, adapting and sharing the potential of these new tools for our audience the limitless connections make for rich possibilities for our communities. Technology tools such as are creating opportunities for "tagging" or connecting information in new ways.

Dr. Wendy Schultz, Infinite Futures, "To a temporary place in time," asked "What are libraries?" In answering that question, I especially identified with the statement that "Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities." The library at a school is often referred to as the heart or hub of a campus or learning. Engaging our community in participating through innovation will build that relationship.

This summer School Library 2.0 tutorial has been terrific in that it's given me a kick start for the school year. I'd have desired to spend more time reading other participants blogs but usually choose three to review. In addition, staying flexible about new tools and their applications to our unique communities will be needed as professionals if we are to help guide others. I'm not sure what keeping up may look like given the real possibility that there is always something new but I realize that I need to stay current.

Realistically, an action plan to implement several new tools might assist in keeping me grounded. Because for each one I've explored I reveal additional new tools that I know nothing about. My commitment to Library 2.0 will start with a professional development for teachers about Library 2.0 or Teacher 2.0 and how these new tools might be incorporated into their curriculum, creating Pathfinders as wikis, a book discussion blog and the Library portal connecting to the school homepage.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 6: Tagging + Thing 14 : Technorati

"Zillions of photos, videos, blogs and more (some of them have to be good)" advertises Technorati and it's potential impact in this evolving exponentially expanding web environment. With the ability to create keyword tags we have the potential to locate valuable resources and share with other users.

SJLibrary2.0 produced eight blog post results today. School Library Learning 2.0 produced 1,236 post blogs. I especially like the quick view feature. Tagging is the element which allows us to socially interact and benefit from others participation. But that also is a potential limitation. Participants will not have a systematic method for tagging and are subject to spelling and/or grammar lapses resulting in missed opportunities.

"The Sky's the Limit" article published in Edutopia July/August 2007 refers to "the enormous disparity between the world in which students live and their life in the formalized educational environment of the classroom." When asked what they would like to see in their classrooms students suggestions several possible thought provoking ideas.

Library Media Teachers are needed now more than ever to assist with the ethical use of new tools, integrate them into our classrooms for student achievement and assist in training our teachers in using new tools as applications to engage our digital students for the 21st century as critical thinkers.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Week 6: Tagging & Folksonomies and Technorati Thing 13:
would be a useful tool to access my bookmarks remotely from anywhere. It would be important to critically update or edit my tags for consistency. tags or keywords potentially might assist patrons in finding useful information. I found it informative to analyze other tags such as those of SJLibraryLearning2.

As the library media center portal develops and evolves to meet the ongoing needs of patrons, could allow the users to locate and use valuable information such as a pathfinder links. A book discussion group or book review blog could identify tags indicating genre and author or theme as an example.

The libraries such as Menasha Public Library in Wisconsin also used the Dewey Decimal Classification in the tag for its users. As providers, our demonstrated knowledge of available tools sends a welcoming message of collaboration and a willingness for participation by users.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Week 5: Play Thing: 12 Rollyo Search Tool

I created a Rollyo group of websites for Internet safety at this link:

Setting up the account with tags was simple. I can visualize using this tool to link favorites to a blog or website, or wiki. Students might evaluate websites and create their own research list of valuable sites using Rollyo as a tool. Student researchers could determine the best sites to link for a research assignment and contribute a website citation as part of an information literacy lesson.

Member lists still need to be evaluated but might be helpful in some instances.